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Minggu, 20 Januari 2013
Selasa, 15 Januari 2013
A. Background Issues
It is undeniable that most school-age children are very happy with game models, which is in line with the development of the child which is basically like the game. Already a sense that children would be very interested in the so-called game, so how do I make the game favored by the young boy becomes a method of learning English fun and exciting.
Mastering the English language seems to have a need and a necessity these days. It is characterized by the proliferation of Work Skills Institute (LPK), Community Learning Center (PKBM), and places an English course in different regions and even in many schools, especially in big cities, English is taught from Early Childhood Education (ECD) as a local content subject.
If you notice, the children of school age class X SMKN 4 Malang still love to play, so it does not hurt that the play was used penchant for delivering teaching materials. Thus, they will gain experience of active learning, inofatif, creative, educational, and fun (paikem) happy and weighted (fat) with full significance.
One way to play this memenfaatkan craze is to give the game such as the game "I Spy Incomplate Definition and" they have to use the balance of the brain, examine the idea in thinking, solving problems, and apply what they learn. Active learning must be nimble, fun, vibrant and passionate.
To be able to learn something well, we need to hear it, see it, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Not only that, students need to "do it", which describes something in their own way, showing for example, trying to practice the skills and knowledge demanding tasks.
Mastery of the English vocabulary has various aspects, such can be used as a means to develop the knowledge, deliver messages, and word form. In order to uncover the problems that the researchers chose the title 'Improve English Vocabulary Understanding Through Students In Class X Games SMKN 4 Malang.
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the above background, the problems that arise in the study were as follows:
1. How does the level of mastery of English vocabulary comprehension grade X through active learning model of the game?
2. How is the level of English vocabulary penguasan graders permaianan X implementation models?
3. What level of mastery of English vocabulary meanings graders X through active learning model of the game?
C. Hypothesis
Based on the problems in action research, entitled 'Promoting Understanding English Vocabulary Through Games At SMK Grade X 4 Malang, conducted by researchers, can be formulated the following hypothesis:
1. Through pemaahaman game against vocabulary vocational students of class X to be increased
2. Through the mastery of vocabulary games vocational students of class X to be increased
D. Research Objectives
1. The general objective
In terms of improving the ability of students to the understanding and mastery of the English vocabulary for grade X SMKN 4 Malang, through the game.
2. Specific Objectives
a. This study aims to gain a clear picture of vocabulary in English class X SMK 4 Malang
b. To improve the vocabulary of class X SMKN 4 Malang through active and interactive learning games model
c. To determine students' mastery output especially against English vocabulary class X SMKN 4 Malang through game model
E. Benefits of Research
This study to enhance the ability of students to the understanding and mastery of English vocabulary class X SMKN 4 Malang through game model.
A. Definition of Learning
Language is a communication tool that is essential for human life, as well as serve as a tool for menyatakat thoughts and feelings of others, as well as serve as a tool to understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Ability not only required by the human adult, but also necessary for adolescents and children. Therefore, to master the language skills can be achieved by learning processes.
Based on the translation of the wikipedia definition, learning is a process of interaction of students with teachers and learning resources in a learning environment. Learning is an educator assistance given to the process of acquisition of science and knowledge, mastery of skills and character, as well as the formation of attitudes and beliefs on students.
Seeing such things, the role of the school as a place to educate and teach is necessary, in addition to education in a family environment. Of education at the school that students begin learning to develop aspects of his personality, and language skills that are tailored to their normal development and natural. The ability of students in the language can be led and guided by a teacher who unwittingly by the students, that they've got a new vocabulary.
Therefore, in delivering the materials development teachers can choose one or a combination of methods appropriate to the material development, needs, interests, and abilities of students as well as the environment. One form of activity is a game or games. In such an atmosphere is unnoticed by the students that the teachers were presenting material that has been prepared, ditetapkanpun goals can be achieved.
B. Vocabulary Definition
In the dictionary wikipedia, the vocabulary is a set of words that are part of the language and have a certain meaning. And a set of words that is used as a medium to express their intentions and the picture of a thing.
Someone will be able to communicate fluently and if they have the vocabulary to meet the needs for communication activities. And vocabulary is a major requirement for a person to be able to communicate.
C. Benefits of vocabulary in English communication
In learning English, vocabulary is necessary to understand and master. Here is the importance of vocabulary according to wikipedia dictionary:
1. Assist in delivering or communicating intentions
2. The number of vocabulary is directly related to reading fluency
3. An assessment of the intelligence of a person can be assessed amount owned vocabulary.
D. Type Vocabulary
In connection with 4 competence in English, then the type of vocabulary consisting of:
1. Vocabulary for reading (reading)
2. Vocabulary for a hearing (listening)
3. Vocabulary for writing (writing)
4. Vocabulary for talking (speaking)
In order for the English vocabulary in demand by students, leading to an interest in students to speak English pleasure, can be introduced and developed the method or technique of the game. This technique can be used to convey the subject matter. The use of these methods will facilitate the students to remember English vocabulary is simple and concrete, in accordance with the development of the student and student's age. Thus will develop a happy attitude speak, with melatihkan communicative use of language.
Gradually addition students can mengusai English vocabulary students can also understand the commands, implement and communicate the content of the order correctly. Thus, students will not feel inhibited in communication due to the limited ability to speak.
D. Teaching English Through Games
Games can be used in the development of teaching materials. Especially on teaching grammar, there are several types of games that can be used so that students are not aware of work that grammar is fun.
Shelley Vernon suggests that games can help teachers in the teaching of grammar with some of the following reasons:
1. Arif Saricoban and Esen Metin, author of "Songs, Verse and Games for Teaching Grammar" explain how and why the game can be used to teach grammar in the ESL classroom, where games and problem resolution directing siwa to engage in communicative activities. The game not only adds to the student's knowledge but also brings students directly to the actual use of the English language
2. Bermasfaat game to train and connect vocabulary and structures extensively.
3. According Saricoban and Metin, use the game as a tool to enhance cooperation and competition among students and teachers
4. Aydan Ersoz, author of "Six Games for the ESL / EFL Classroom" explaining that provide a challenging and fun atmosphere. Also, the game provides a meaningful activity in its context.
(Adapted from "Teaching Grammar with Fun Learning Games)
E. Materials Learning through games
The game is very exciting for the students in the learning process especially English, because through the game students can interact with the active and interactive, in accordance with the constructivist method very favorable student learning in receiving. In this case a lot of the game to improve students' English vocabulary, according to WR. LEE in his book Language Teaching Games and Contest, which was published in 1979 by Oxford University Press. The selected game is Incomplete Definitions on page 41. The game is based on the syllabus of class X students smk basic competences 1.3 Describe the objects, people, characteristics, time, day, month, and year
In this game one of the members to describe something and challenge someone from the other team to guess and give you extra points if you guess right word, depending on what is selected for the definition and there is little hint. For example, an elephant can be interpreted as a large animal living in India and Africa that could bring as good but did not mention the elephant trunk to make it too easy to guess. Another example is a useful furniture for storing clothes or wardrobe students can describe conform to the shape, color, size, material and origin of the cupboards.
F. Selection of Games
In this study, the chosen game is not the origin of the game but the game according to the syllabus, and the basic competence of students by looking indicator. The game not only in the classroom but can be done outside the classroom for example under a cool and shady trees to reduce the effects of saturated students. They can use the object that is around them, so it will come up with creative creations. In addition to the all members of the class had no children involved in this lazy all must participate. For the first time should be determined by the teacher, so clear and well accommodated. To the delight of the student teacher should give rewards or prizes to students, it can be in the form of praise or gift items.
G. Shape Games
Besides Incomplete definition games by WR. LEE there are other forms of the game are very interesting for students to describe an object or person, the game is in the form of rhyme:
I Spy
With my little eye
Something beginning with B.
Students can form 5 groups of 4 people each, then the representative of the group stepped forward to demonstrate the game. Students said I spy with my little eye, something begining with B. One of the group to guess the object, eg: Susan: (answer) The Blackboard? Then the students had to make an educated guess to answer, No, not the blackboard, the other replied: A biscuit? And the students had answered No, I can not see a biscuit. Then another group actively address whether: A Dick's Ball? Then the students answered Yes that's right, Dick's Ball. Then the student had the correct answer gets a turn to make an educated guess as creations of their own, with the same steps as above. If they do not like to use the word spy they could use numbers as an example:
What can I see?
Something in this room (or garden)
Beginning with .........
Thus they can learn to describe an object through the game, so that learning can be fun and exciting, without explanation or students should listen to the teacher lecture that results are not active students.
A. Research Design
In this research activity of researchers collaborate with others. The presence of researchers in learning activities carried out as usual as there is no research. So students are left to do all the activities as usual. One of the researchers will conduct a class act and a few more as an observer in charge of observing the learning process in the classroom.
Setyadin and Wiyono concluded that a class action research is a form of teaching practice acts committed by individuals or groups through inquiri system based on specific research methodology in order to find solutions for problems in learning. Thus PTK is very useful for teacher educators in finding solutions to any problems encountered and discovered teaching, thus improving the quality of education will be achieved.
The main purpose of PTK is the activity that is used to describe the activity in developing curriculum, school improvement programs, system development planning and policy (Grundy & Kemmis in Setyadin and Wiyono,This means that the action research can be used as one of the activities to develop curriculum content standards that conform to the conditions of the educational unit concerned
According to the type of research, that of action research, this study uses a model of action research, Kemmis and Taggart (in Setyadin and Wiyono,), which is a spiral from one cycle to the next cycle. Each cycle includes planning (plan), action (action), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection). The next step in the cycle of the revised perncanaan, action, observation and reflection. Before entering the first cycle of the action in the form of a preliminary identification of the problem. Cycle spiral steps of action research can be seen in the following figure.
Figure 3.1 Flow PTK
Explanation of the above plot are:
1. The design / original plan, before conducting research to formulate research problems, objectives and plan of action, including research instruments and tools of learning.
2. Activities and observations, including actions taken by the researcher in an attempt to build students' understanding of concepts and observe the results or effects of applying learning methods model of the game.
3. Reflection, researchers examined, to see and consider the results or effects of actions taken based on the observation sheets filled out by the observer.
4. The design / plan revised, based on the reflection of the observer to make a revised draft for dilakssiswaan the next cycle.
Observations were divided into three rounds, the rounds 1, 2 and 3, where each round is the same treatment (the same flow activity) and discusses the sub topics that ended with formative tests at the end of each round. Created in three rounds are intended to improve the teaching system that has been implemented
So it can be concluded that racangan study design used is qualitative observation techniques.
B. The place, time and subject of study
1. Place of Research: Religious studies is used in research to obtain the desired data. The research was held at SMK 4 Malang
2. Time Research
The time is the time course of study or research when the research took place. This study was conducted in January semester 2012/2013.
3. Subjects Research
Subjects were students of class X SMKN 4 Malang on the understanding and mastery of vocabulary.
C. Data Collection Techniques
The data needed in this study were obtained through observation processing model of active learning games, student activities and teacher observations of student motivation questionnaire, and a formative test.
D. The data collection instruments
The instrument used in this study consisted of:
1. Syllabus
Ie a set of plans and regulations on administration of classroom learning activities, and assessment of learning outcomes.
2. Lesson Plan (RP)
That is a learning device that is used to guide teachers in teaching and prepared for each round. Each RP contains basic competences, indicators of achievement of learning outcomes, specific learning objectives and learning activities.
3. Formative tests
This test is based on learning goals to be achieved, is used to measure the ability of understanding mathematical concepts in mastering the command line. Formative tests are given each end of the round. Forms of the given problem is multiple choice (objective). Formerly these questions are 45 questions that have been tested, and the authors conducted the analysis of test items that have tested the validity and reliability of each question. This analysis is used to select a good question and qualifies used to retrieve the data.
E. Data Analysis Techniques
To determine the effectiveness of a method in the learning activities necessary to hold the data analysis. In this research, using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, a method of research that is describing the fact or facts in accordance with the data obtained in order to determine student achievement attained also to obtain students' response to the learning activities and the activities of the students during the learning process.
To mengalisis success rate or percentage of student success after the learning process every revolution is done by giving an evaluation form about the written test at the end of each round.
This analysis was calculated using a simple statistic, namely:
1. To assess the test or tests formative
Researchers summation of the value obtained by students, which is further divided by the number of students in the class in order to obtain an average of formative tests can be formulated:
By: = average value
Σ X = Total all grades of students
Σ N = Number of students
2. For mastery learning
There are two categories of mastery learning which individually and in the classical style. Based on the teaching and learning guidelines (Permendiknas number 25 of 2006), that a student has thoroughly learned when it reaches a score of 65% or a value of 65, and the class is called complete when the class learned there are 85% who have reached the absorption of more than or equal with 65%. To calculate the percentage of mastery learning to use the following formula:
Created by :
Gede Edi Gunawan
A. Background Issues
It is undeniable that most school-age children are very happy with game models, which is in line with the development of the child which is basically like the game. Already a sense that children would be very interested in the so-called game, so how do I make the game favored by the young boy becomes a method of learning English fun and exciting.
Mastering the English language seems to have a need and a necessity these days. It is characterized by the proliferation of Work Skills Institute (LPK), Community Learning Center (PKBM), and places an English course in different regions and even in many schools, especially in big cities, English is taught from Early Childhood Education (ECD) as a local content subject.
If you notice, the children of school age class X SMKN 4 Malang still love to play, so it does not hurt that the play was used penchant for delivering teaching materials. Thus, they will gain experience of active learning, inofatif, creative, educational, and fun (paikem) happy and weighted (fat) with full significance.
One way to play this memenfaatkan craze is to give the game such as the game "I Spy Incomplate Definition and" they have to use the balance of the brain, examine the idea in thinking, solving problems, and apply what they learn. Active learning must be nimble, fun, vibrant and passionate.
To be able to learn something well, we need to hear it, see it, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Not only that, students need to "do it", which describes something in their own way, showing for example, trying to practice the skills and knowledge demanding tasks.
Mastery of the English vocabulary has various aspects, such can be used as a means to develop the knowledge, deliver messages, and word form. In order to uncover the problems that the researchers chose the title 'Improve English Vocabulary Understanding Through Students In Class X Games SMKN 4 Malang.
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the above background, the problems that arise in the study were as follows:
1. How does the level of mastery of English vocabulary comprehension grade X through active learning model of the game?
2. How is the level of English vocabulary penguasan graders permaianan X implementation models?
3. What level of mastery of English vocabulary meanings graders X through active learning model of the game?
C. Hypothesis
Based on the problems in action research, entitled 'Promoting Understanding English Vocabulary Through Games At SMK Grade X 4 Malang, conducted by researchers, can be formulated the following hypothesis:
1. Through pemaahaman game against vocabulary vocational students of class X to be increased
2. Through the mastery of vocabulary games vocational students of class X to be increased
D. Research Objectives
1. The general objective
In terms of improving the ability of students to the understanding and mastery of the English vocabulary for grade X SMKN 4 Malang, through the game.
2. Specific Objectives
a. This study aims to gain a clear picture of vocabulary in English class X SMK 4 Malang
b. To improve the vocabulary of class X SMKN 4 Malang through active and interactive learning games model
c. To determine students' mastery output especially against English vocabulary class X SMKN 4 Malang through game model
E. Benefits of Research
This study to enhance the ability of students to the understanding and mastery of English vocabulary class X SMKN 4 Malang through game model.
A. Definition of Learning
Language is a communication tool that is essential for human life, as well as serve as a tool for menyatakat thoughts and feelings of others, as well as serve as a tool to understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Ability not only required by the human adult, but also necessary for adolescents and children. Therefore, to master the language skills can be achieved by learning processes.
Based on the translation of the wikipedia definition, learning is a process of interaction of students with teachers and learning resources in a learning environment. Learning is an educator assistance given to the process of acquisition of science and knowledge, mastery of skills and character, as well as the formation of attitudes and beliefs on students.
Seeing such things, the role of the school as a place to educate and teach is necessary, in addition to education in a family environment. Of education at the school that students begin learning to develop aspects of his personality, and language skills that are tailored to their normal development and natural. The ability of students in the language can be led and guided by a teacher who unwittingly by the students, that they've got a new vocabulary.
Therefore, in delivering the materials development teachers can choose one or a combination of methods appropriate to the material development, needs, interests, and abilities of students as well as the environment. One form of activity is a game or games. In such an atmosphere is unnoticed by the students that the teachers were presenting material that has been prepared, ditetapkanpun goals can be achieved.
B. Vocabulary Definition
In the dictionary wikipedia, the vocabulary is a set of words that are part of the language and have a certain meaning. And a set of words that is used as a medium to express their intentions and the picture of a thing.
Someone will be able to communicate fluently and if they have the vocabulary to meet the needs for communication activities. And vocabulary is a major requirement for a person to be able to communicate.
C. Benefits of vocabulary in English communication
In learning English, vocabulary is necessary to understand and master. Here is the importance of vocabulary according to wikipedia dictionary:
1. Assist in delivering or communicating intentions
2. The number of vocabulary is directly related to reading fluency
3. An assessment of the intelligence of a person can be assessed amount owned vocabulary.
D. Type Vocabulary
In connection with 4 competence in English, then the type of vocabulary consisting of:
1. Vocabulary for reading (reading)
2. Vocabulary for a hearing (listening)
3. Vocabulary for writing (writing)
4. Vocabulary for talking (speaking)
In order for the English vocabulary in demand by students, leading to an interest in students to speak English pleasure, can be introduced and developed the method or technique of the game. This technique can be used to convey the subject matter. The use of these methods will facilitate the students to remember English vocabulary is simple and concrete, in accordance with the development of the student and student's age. Thus will develop a happy attitude speak, with melatihkan communicative use of language.
Gradually addition students can mengusai English vocabulary students can also understand the commands, implement and communicate the content of the order correctly. Thus, students will not feel inhibited in communication due to the limited ability to speak.
D. Teaching English Through Games
Games can be used in the development of teaching materials. Especially on teaching grammar, there are several types of games that can be used so that students are not aware of work that grammar is fun.
Shelley Vernon suggests that games can help teachers in the teaching of grammar with some of the following reasons:
1. Arif Saricoban and Esen Metin, author of "Songs, Verse and Games for Teaching Grammar" explain how and why the game can be used to teach grammar in the ESL classroom, where games and problem resolution directing siwa to engage in communicative activities. The game not only adds to the student's knowledge but also brings students directly to the actual use of the English language
2. Bermasfaat game to train and connect vocabulary and structures extensively.
3. According Saricoban and Metin, use the game as a tool to enhance cooperation and competition among students and teachers
4. Aydan Ersoz, author of "Six Games for the ESL / EFL Classroom" explaining that provide a challenging and fun atmosphere. Also, the game provides a meaningful activity in its context.
(Adapted from "Teaching Grammar with Fun Learning Games)
E. Materials Learning through games
The game is very exciting for the students in the learning process especially English, because through the game students can interact with the active and interactive, in accordance with the constructivist method very favorable student learning in receiving. In this case a lot of the game to improve students' English vocabulary, according to WR. LEE in his book Language Teaching Games and Contest, which was published in 1979 by Oxford University Press. The selected game is Incomplete Definitions on page 41. The game is based on the syllabus of class X students smk basic competences 1.3 Describe the objects, people, characteristics, time, day, month, and year
In this game one of the members to describe something and challenge someone from the other team to guess and give you extra points if you guess right word, depending on what is selected for the definition and there is little hint. For example, an elephant can be interpreted as a large animal living in India and Africa that could bring as good but did not mention the elephant trunk to make it too easy to guess. Another example is a useful furniture for storing clothes or wardrobe students can describe conform to the shape, color, size, material and origin of the cupboards.
F. Selection of Games
In this study, the chosen game is not the origin of the game but the game according to the syllabus, and the basic competence of students by looking indicator. The game not only in the classroom but can be done outside the classroom for example under a cool and shady trees to reduce the effects of saturated students. They can use the object that is around them, so it will come up with creative creations. In addition to the all members of the class had no children involved in this lazy all must participate. For the first time should be determined by the teacher, so clear and well accommodated. To the delight of the student teacher should give rewards or prizes to students, it can be in the form of praise or gift items.
G. Shape Games
Besides Incomplete definition games by WR. LEE there are other forms of the game are very interesting for students to describe an object or person, the game is in the form of rhyme:
I Spy
With my little eye
Something beginning with B.
Students can form 5 groups of 4 people each, then the representative of the group stepped forward to demonstrate the game. Students said I spy with my little eye, something begining with B. One of the group to guess the object, eg: Susan: (answer) The Blackboard? Then the students had to make an educated guess to answer, No, not the blackboard, the other replied: A biscuit? And the students had answered No, I can not see a biscuit. Then another group actively address whether: A Dick's Ball? Then the students answered Yes that's right, Dick's Ball. Then the student had the correct answer gets a turn to make an educated guess as creations of their own, with the same steps as above. If they do not like to use the word spy they could use numbers as an example:
What can I see?
Something in this room (or garden)
Beginning with .........
Thus they can learn to describe an object through the game, so that learning can be fun and exciting, without explanation or students should listen to the teacher lecture that results are not active students.
A. Research Design
In this research activity of researchers collaborate with others. The presence of researchers in learning activities carried out as usual as there is no research. So students are left to do all the activities as usual. One of the researchers will conduct a class act and a few more as an observer in charge of observing the learning process in the classroom.
Setyadin and Wiyono concluded that a class action research is a form of teaching practice acts committed by individuals or groups through inquiri system based on specific research methodology in order to find solutions for problems in learning. Thus PTK is very useful for teacher educators in finding solutions to any problems encountered and discovered teaching, thus improving the quality of education will be achieved.
The main purpose of PTK is the activity that is used to describe the activity in developing curriculum, school improvement programs, system development planning and policy (Grundy & Kemmis in Setyadin and Wiyono,This means that the action research can be used as one of the activities to develop curriculum content standards that conform to the conditions of the educational unit concerned
According to the type of research, that of action research, this study uses a model of action research, Kemmis and Taggart (in Setyadin and Wiyono,), which is a spiral from one cycle to the next cycle. Each cycle includes planning (plan), action (action), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection). The next step in the cycle of the revised perncanaan, action, observation and reflection. Before entering the first cycle of the action in the form of a preliminary identification of the problem. Cycle spiral steps of action research can be seen in the following figure.
Figure 3.1 Flow PTK
Explanation of the above plot are:
1. The design / original plan, before conducting research to formulate research problems, objectives and plan of action, including research instruments and tools of learning.
2. Activities and observations, including actions taken by the researcher in an attempt to build students' understanding of concepts and observe the results or effects of applying learning methods model of the game.
3. Reflection, researchers examined, to see and consider the results or effects of actions taken based on the observation sheets filled out by the observer.
4. The design / plan revised, based on the reflection of the observer to make a revised draft for dilakssiswaan the next cycle.
Observations were divided into three rounds, the rounds 1, 2 and 3, where each round is the same treatment (the same flow activity) and discusses the sub topics that ended with formative tests at the end of each round. Created in three rounds are intended to improve the teaching system that has been implemented
So it can be concluded that racangan study design used is qualitative observation techniques.
B. The place, time and subject of study
1. Place of Research: Religious studies is used in research to obtain the desired data. The research was held at SMK 4 Malang
2. Time Research
The time is the time course of study or research when the research took place. This study was conducted in January semester 2012/2013.
3. Subjects Research
Subjects were students of class X SMKN 4 Malang on the understanding and mastery of vocabulary.
C. Data Collection Techniques
The data needed in this study were obtained through observation processing model of active learning games, student activities and teacher observations of student motivation questionnaire, and a formative test.
D. The data collection instruments
The instrument used in this study consisted of:
1. Syllabus
Ie a set of plans and regulations on administration of classroom learning activities, and assessment of learning outcomes.
2. Lesson Plan (RP)
That is a learning device that is used to guide teachers in teaching and prepared for each round. Each RP contains basic competences, indicators of achievement of learning outcomes, specific learning objectives and learning activities.
3. Formative tests
This test is based on learning goals to be achieved, is used to measure the ability of understanding mathematical concepts in mastering the command line. Formative tests are given each end of the round. Forms of the given problem is multiple choice (objective). Formerly these questions are 45 questions that have been tested, and the authors conducted the analysis of test items that have tested the validity and reliability of each question. This analysis is used to select a good question and qualifies used to retrieve the data.
E. Data Analysis Techniques
To determine the effectiveness of a method in the learning activities necessary to hold the data analysis. In this research, using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, a method of research that is describing the fact or facts in accordance with the data obtained in order to determine student achievement attained also to obtain students' response to the learning activities and the activities of the students during the learning process.
To mengalisis success rate or percentage of student success after the learning process every revolution is done by giving an evaluation form about the written test at the end of each round.
This analysis was calculated using a simple statistic, namely:
1. To assess the test or tests formative
Researchers summation of the value obtained by students, which is further divided by the number of students in the class in order to obtain an average of formative tests can be formulated:
By: = average value
Σ X = Total all grades of students
Σ N = Number of students
2. For mastery learning
There are two categories of mastery learning which individually and in the classical style. Based on the teaching and learning guidelines (Permendiknas number 25 of 2006), that a student has thoroughly learned when it reaches a score of 65% or a value of 65, and the class is called complete when the class learned there are 85% who have reached the absorption of more than or equal with 65%. To calculate the percentage of mastery learning to use the following formula:
Created by :
Gede Edi Gunawan
Kali ini Gun akan membagikan beberapa 100 Inspirasi Judul Skripsi Teknik Informatika & Sistem Informasi. Bagi anda yang sekarang yang kuliah di Informatika dan sudah semester tua ataupun yang sedang merencanakan skripsi untuk semester depan jangan khawatir karena di bawah ini ada 100 judul skripsi yang mungkin akan mempermudah anda untuk mengajukan Judul Skripsi anda.
Dibawah ini dapat menjadi refrensi judul skripsi anda, judul skripsinya sudah menggunakan EYD dan bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar. Berikut adalah 100 Judul Skripsi untuk Teknik Informatika & Sistem Informasi.
1. Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian Karyawan PT. Indonesia Raya Audivisi
2. Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Pengisian Formulir Rencana Studi Secara Online Di Stimik Perbanas
3. Analisa Struktur Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Pengurai Kalimat Berbasis Linguistic
4. Analisa Traffic Internet pada Jaringan Local Area Network SMU Negeri 13
5. Analisis Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Hot-Spot
6. Analisis Sistem Perancangan Pemasaran Dan Pemesanan Online Pada PT ABC
7. Aplikasi “Web Traffic Engineering”
8. Aplikasi Akuntansi Perhitungan Pajak Tahunan
9. Aplikasi Text To Speech (TTS) Berbahasa Indonesia Sebagai Pembaca SMS
10. Detektor Pengaman Rumah
11. Digital Image Watermaking Pada Mobile Device
12. Ensikolpedia Mata Berbasis Multimedia
13. IEEE 802.11b Sebagai Standar Teknologi Jaringan Komputer Nirkabel
14. Implementasi Algoritma Enkripsi Rijndael Dalam OpenSSL-0.9.7
15. Implementasi Routing Yang Menggunakan Standarisasi H.323 Yaitu Open H.323 Gatekeeper
16. Komputerisasi Data Nilai Uji Kompetensi pada SMK YIS Martapura OKU Menggunakan Microsoft Access
17. Laporan Kerja Praktek Perangkat Lunak Pengelolaan Data Counter Di V Comm Cell
18. Membangun Jaringan PC Cloning Menggunakan Software Winconnect
19. Merancang Sistem Gateway Pengolah Data Radio Paket
20. Monitoring Ruangan Menggunakan Kamera IP Dengan Bahasa Personal Home Page (PHP)
21. Otentikasi Pada Aplikasi Berbasis Web
22. PC Clonning Melalui Port USB Dengan Menggunakan Software BeTwin
23. Pemasangan Aplikasi SMS Gateway Untuk Perguruan Tinggi
24. Pembangunan Sistem Pakar Pada Perangkat Mobile Dengan WML Dan PHP Untuk Menemukan Penyebab Kerusakan Mesin Isuzu Panther
25. Pembangunan Sistem Pakar Pada Perangkat Mobile Dengan WML Dan PHP Untuk Penyakit Paru Pada Anak
26. Pembelajaran Interaktif Matematika Untuk Taman Kanak-Kanak
27. Pembuatan Aplikasi Network Traffic Monitor
28. Pembuatan Film Animasi 3 Dimensi Menggunakan 3D Studio Max 8
29. Pembuatan Peta Dan Sistem Informasi Mengenai Lahan Menggunakan Metode GIS
30. Penerimaan Siswa Baru pada SLTP 6 Tangerang
31. Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Pengolahan Tera, Tera Ulang Dan Kalibrasi Berbasis Client-Server
32. Pengembangan Produk Konsumen Dengan Fokus Kebutuhan Pelanggan
33. Pengembangan Sistem Jaringan Lokal Berbasis Windows 2000 Server Pada SMP 13 Jakarta
34. Pengenalan Sidik Jari Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Dengan Aturan Perceptron
35. Pengendalian Perangkat Listrik Menggunakan Fasilitas SMS
36. Perancangan Aplikasi Kriptography
37. Perancangan Dan Implementasi Jaringan IPV6 Di Its-Net Dengan Sistem Operasi Linux
38. Perancangan Dan Implementasi Layanan Informasi Jadwal Shalat Dan Arah Kiblat Berbasis SMS
39. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Daerah Banjir Di Dki Jakarta Dengan Menggunakan ARC View
40. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Karyawan Dan Absensi Pada Bagian Personalia P.T. SIKAS DU
41. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Pemasukan Dan Pengeluaran Barang Di Koperasi Mahasiswa
42. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pada PT. Pikas Ciptapelangi Taberindo
43. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyewaan VCD Pada CV. Video Ezy Kudus
44. Perancangan Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosis Kerusakan Hardware Laptop
45. Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Barang Di Toko XXX
46. Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Berbasis Web Pada PT. Restu Mahkota Karya
47. Perancangan Vidio Digital Dengan Adobe Premire Pro
48. Perancangan Website Sebagai Pendukung Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Pada CV. Multi Karsa Sejahtera Dengan Pemrograman Php Dan Mysql
49. Persepsi Karyawan Terhadap Proses Seleksi Dan Penempatan di PT.XXXX
50. Program Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Permainan Strategi Battle Ship Pada Jaringan
51. Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Network Traffic Monitor
52. Rancang Bangun Intranet Video Live Streaming Untuk Proses Belajar Mengajar
53. Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web
54. Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengukuran Suhu Ruang Berbasiskan Mikrokontroler AT89C52
55. Robot Pemadam Kebakaran
56. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada STIE “Solusi Bisnis Indonesia Yogyakarta”
57. Sistem Administrasi Rental Game Center
58. Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Dan Pengembangan Manajemen (LP2M) El Rahma Beng
59. Sistem Informasi Pengarsipan Berbasis Animasi 3D
60. Sistem Informasi Penggajian Pada Pt.Surya Lagang Ostentasi Medan
61. Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Suspensi
62. Sistem Informasi Penjualan Elektronik Berbasis Web Pada Toko Digal Elektronik
63. Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Pada Perpustakaan Universitas Surakarta
64. Sistem Informasi Perusahaan Umum Pegadaian Cabang Pandaan
65. Sistem Informasi Perwalian berbasis Web
66. Sistem Informasi Reservasi Perhotelan
67. Sistem Informasi SMU N 1 Muntok Berbasis Web
68. Sistem Komputerisasi Suplier Melati Gambir Arum Bunga Purbalingga
69. Sistem Pencegahan Flooding Data Pada Jaringan Komputer
70. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa
71. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Memaksimumkan Daya Jangkau Media Promosi Di Pisma Group Mengguna
72. Sistem Pengaman Rumah Berbasis General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Dan Image Capturing Dengan Menggu…
73. Sistem Pengamanan Pintu Ruangan Menggunakan Kombinasi Password Jari Dan Kartu Memanfaatkan PPI 82
74. Teknik Pembuatan Anti Virus Dengan Metode Pencarian Header File Data Size Of Code Dan Addres Of Entry
75. Virtualisasi Server Linux Ubuntu 8.10 Server Dengan Virtualbox
76. Problema Pergerakan Semut dalam Bidang Kartesius
77. Penyelesaian Permasalahan Pergeseran Angka
78. Problema Penyeberangan Sungai (Crossing Rivers Problem)
79. Sistem Informasi Kontrol Stok
80. Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Permainan Strategi Battle Ship pada Jaringan
81. Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Permainan Halma Pada Network
82. Pembelajaran Kalkulus Proposisi
83. Simulasi Pengontrolan Kesalahan dengan Menggunakan Metode Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)
84. Kompresi File Wave dengan Metode Huffman
85. Pembelajaran Dasar Bahasa Mandarin
86. Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Pengisian Formulir Rencana Studi Secara Online Di Stimik Perbanas
87. Analisa Jaringan Wireless-LAN Di LPMP Sumsel
88. Analisis Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pada New Armada Travel Sulawesi Tengah
89. Analisis Dan Perancangan Aplikasi Multimedia Sebagai Sarana Promosi Pada Hotel Ganesha Purworejo
90. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Multimedia Pada Pondok Pesantren Islam At-Tauhid Surabaya
91. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Pemasaran Online Pada Sonic Gear Gallery
92. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Pembangunan Mobile Web Pencarian Alamat Penting Di Kota Semarang
93. Analisis dan Perancangan sistem pengisian Formulir Rencana Studi secara Online di STIMIK PERBANAS
94. Analisis Dan Perancangan Situs Web SMKN 2 Tasikmalaya Dengan Menggunakan Sistem Template PHP
95. Analisis Dan Perancangan Website Sebagai Sarana Publikasi Pada PT.Agatama Putra
96. Analisis Dan Perancangan Website Pemesanan Online Pada Tri A Collection
97. Analisis Perbandingan Penelusuran secara Depth First Search pada Graf dengan Algoritma Rekursif dan Non-Rekursif
98. Analisis Strategi Bisnis Pada PT. XXXX XXXXX
99. Aplikasi Akuntansi Perhitungan Pajak Tahunan Penghasil Pasal 21 Pegawai Tetap Pada Delta Computer Training Center Surakarta
100. Aplikasi Pencatatan Kehadiran Mahasiswa Menggunakan Sidik Jari Studi Kasus STTTELKOM
2. Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Pengisian Formulir Rencana Studi Secara Online Di Stimik Perbanas
3. Analisa Struktur Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Pengurai Kalimat Berbasis Linguistic
4. Analisa Traffic Internet pada Jaringan Local Area Network SMU Negeri 13
5. Analisis Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Hot-Spot
6. Analisis Sistem Perancangan Pemasaran Dan Pemesanan Online Pada PT ABC
7. Aplikasi “Web Traffic Engineering”
8. Aplikasi Akuntansi Perhitungan Pajak Tahunan
9. Aplikasi Text To Speech (TTS) Berbahasa Indonesia Sebagai Pembaca SMS
10. Detektor Pengaman Rumah
11. Digital Image Watermaking Pada Mobile Device
12. Ensikolpedia Mata Berbasis Multimedia
13. IEEE 802.11b Sebagai Standar Teknologi Jaringan Komputer Nirkabel
14. Implementasi Algoritma Enkripsi Rijndael Dalam OpenSSL-0.9.7
15. Implementasi Routing Yang Menggunakan Standarisasi H.323 Yaitu Open H.323 Gatekeeper
16. Komputerisasi Data Nilai Uji Kompetensi pada SMK YIS Martapura OKU Menggunakan Microsoft Access
17. Laporan Kerja Praktek Perangkat Lunak Pengelolaan Data Counter Di V Comm Cell
18. Membangun Jaringan PC Cloning Menggunakan Software Winconnect
19. Merancang Sistem Gateway Pengolah Data Radio Paket
20. Monitoring Ruangan Menggunakan Kamera IP Dengan Bahasa Personal Home Page (PHP)
21. Otentikasi Pada Aplikasi Berbasis Web
22. PC Clonning Melalui Port USB Dengan Menggunakan Software BeTwin
23. Pemasangan Aplikasi SMS Gateway Untuk Perguruan Tinggi
24. Pembangunan Sistem Pakar Pada Perangkat Mobile Dengan WML Dan PHP Untuk Menemukan Penyebab Kerusakan Mesin Isuzu Panther
25. Pembangunan Sistem Pakar Pada Perangkat Mobile Dengan WML Dan PHP Untuk Penyakit Paru Pada Anak
26. Pembelajaran Interaktif Matematika Untuk Taman Kanak-Kanak
27. Pembuatan Aplikasi Network Traffic Monitor
28. Pembuatan Film Animasi 3 Dimensi Menggunakan 3D Studio Max 8
29. Pembuatan Peta Dan Sistem Informasi Mengenai Lahan Menggunakan Metode GIS
30. Penerimaan Siswa Baru pada SLTP 6 Tangerang
31. Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Pengolahan Tera, Tera Ulang Dan Kalibrasi Berbasis Client-Server
32. Pengembangan Produk Konsumen Dengan Fokus Kebutuhan Pelanggan
33. Pengembangan Sistem Jaringan Lokal Berbasis Windows 2000 Server Pada SMP 13 Jakarta
34. Pengenalan Sidik Jari Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Dengan Aturan Perceptron
35. Pengendalian Perangkat Listrik Menggunakan Fasilitas SMS
36. Perancangan Aplikasi Kriptography
37. Perancangan Dan Implementasi Jaringan IPV6 Di Its-Net Dengan Sistem Operasi Linux
38. Perancangan Dan Implementasi Layanan Informasi Jadwal Shalat Dan Arah Kiblat Berbasis SMS
39. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Daerah Banjir Di Dki Jakarta Dengan Menggunakan ARC View
40. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Karyawan Dan Absensi Pada Bagian Personalia P.T. SIKAS DU
41. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Pemasukan Dan Pengeluaran Barang Di Koperasi Mahasiswa
42. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pada PT. Pikas Ciptapelangi Taberindo
43. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyewaan VCD Pada CV. Video Ezy Kudus
44. Perancangan Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosis Kerusakan Hardware Laptop
45. Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Barang Di Toko XXX
46. Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Berbasis Web Pada PT. Restu Mahkota Karya
47. Perancangan Vidio Digital Dengan Adobe Premire Pro
48. Perancangan Website Sebagai Pendukung Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Pada CV. Multi Karsa Sejahtera Dengan Pemrograman Php Dan Mysql
49. Persepsi Karyawan Terhadap Proses Seleksi Dan Penempatan di PT.XXXX
50. Program Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Permainan Strategi Battle Ship Pada Jaringan
51. Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Network Traffic Monitor
52. Rancang Bangun Intranet Video Live Streaming Untuk Proses Belajar Mengajar
53. Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web
54. Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengukuran Suhu Ruang Berbasiskan Mikrokontroler AT89C52
55. Robot Pemadam Kebakaran
56. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada STIE “Solusi Bisnis Indonesia Yogyakarta”
57. Sistem Administrasi Rental Game Center
58. Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Dan Pengembangan Manajemen (LP2M) El Rahma Beng
59. Sistem Informasi Pengarsipan Berbasis Animasi 3D
60. Sistem Informasi Penggajian Pada Pt.Surya Lagang Ostentasi Medan
61. Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Suspensi
62. Sistem Informasi Penjualan Elektronik Berbasis Web Pada Toko Digal Elektronik
63. Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Pada Perpustakaan Universitas Surakarta
64. Sistem Informasi Perusahaan Umum Pegadaian Cabang Pandaan
65. Sistem Informasi Perwalian berbasis Web
66. Sistem Informasi Reservasi Perhotelan
67. Sistem Informasi SMU N 1 Muntok Berbasis Web
68. Sistem Komputerisasi Suplier Melati Gambir Arum Bunga Purbalingga
69. Sistem Pencegahan Flooding Data Pada Jaringan Komputer
70. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa
71. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Memaksimumkan Daya Jangkau Media Promosi Di Pisma Group Mengguna
72. Sistem Pengaman Rumah Berbasis General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Dan Image Capturing Dengan Menggu…
73. Sistem Pengamanan Pintu Ruangan Menggunakan Kombinasi Password Jari Dan Kartu Memanfaatkan PPI 82
74. Teknik Pembuatan Anti Virus Dengan Metode Pencarian Header File Data Size Of Code Dan Addres Of Entry
75. Virtualisasi Server Linux Ubuntu 8.10 Server Dengan Virtualbox
76. Problema Pergerakan Semut dalam Bidang Kartesius
77. Penyelesaian Permasalahan Pergeseran Angka
78. Problema Penyeberangan Sungai (Crossing Rivers Problem)
79. Sistem Informasi Kontrol Stok
80. Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Permainan Strategi Battle Ship pada Jaringan
81. Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Permainan Halma Pada Network
82. Pembelajaran Kalkulus Proposisi
83. Simulasi Pengontrolan Kesalahan dengan Menggunakan Metode Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)
84. Kompresi File Wave dengan Metode Huffman
85. Pembelajaran Dasar Bahasa Mandarin
86. Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Pengisian Formulir Rencana Studi Secara Online Di Stimik Perbanas
87. Analisa Jaringan Wireless-LAN Di LPMP Sumsel
88. Analisis Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pada New Armada Travel Sulawesi Tengah
89. Analisis Dan Perancangan Aplikasi Multimedia Sebagai Sarana Promosi Pada Hotel Ganesha Purworejo
90. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Multimedia Pada Pondok Pesantren Islam At-Tauhid Surabaya
91. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Pemasaran Online Pada Sonic Gear Gallery
92. Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Pembangunan Mobile Web Pencarian Alamat Penting Di Kota Semarang
93. Analisis dan Perancangan sistem pengisian Formulir Rencana Studi secara Online di STIMIK PERBANAS
94. Analisis Dan Perancangan Situs Web SMKN 2 Tasikmalaya Dengan Menggunakan Sistem Template PHP
95. Analisis Dan Perancangan Website Sebagai Sarana Publikasi Pada PT.Agatama Putra
96. Analisis Dan Perancangan Website Pemesanan Online Pada Tri A Collection
97. Analisis Perbandingan Penelusuran secara Depth First Search pada Graf dengan Algoritma Rekursif dan Non-Rekursif
98. Analisis Strategi Bisnis Pada PT. XXXX XXXXX
99. Aplikasi Akuntansi Perhitungan Pajak Tahunan Penghasil Pasal 21 Pegawai Tetap Pada Delta Computer Training Center Surakarta
100. Aplikasi Pencatatan Kehadiran Mahasiswa Menggunakan Sidik Jari Studi Kasus STTTELKOM
sekian tentang 100 Judul Skripsi Teknik Informatika & Sistem Informasi, semoga bisa membantu anda.
SMP/MTs :.........
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : Reading
Teks : News
Tema : Accident
Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit
Memahami makna
dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan
dengan lingkungan terdekat
nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi
yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan terdekat
Mengungkapkan isi berita dengan menggunakan 5W+1H yaitu
What ( apa)
yang terjadi?
Who( siapa)
siapa saja korban kecelakaan dalam berita tersebut?
(dimana) dimana tempat kejadian tersebut?
(mengapa) mengapa kecelakaan itu bisa terjadi?
When (kapan) kapan kecelakaan itu
How ( bagaimana) bagaimana proses
kecelakaan itu?
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Siswa mampu mencari
informasi dalam teks berita dengan membaca
2. Siswa dapat
mengetahui resiko tidak teratur dalam berkendaraan
3. Siswa dapat membuat kalimat
Materi Pembelajaran:
1. Recalling about news
2. Reading practice
Finding 5w+1h in the text
III. Metode Pembelajaran:
Presentation , Practice
IV. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
A. Langkah awal
tanya jawab tentang teks berita
tanya jawab tentang kecelakaan
Kegiatan Inti
meminta siswa Membaca dan memahami isi teks berita.
meminta siswa Menjawab pertanyaan yang guru berikan dengan menggunakan rumus
Kegiatan Penutup
kembali kejadian atau kecelakaan yang terdapat dalam teks
jawaban dari pertanyaan yang guru berikan
Siswa menjawab
pertanyaa-pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam teks dengan menggunakan rumus 5w+1h
V. Sumber Belajar
yang relevan
kabar ( koran)
VI. Penilaian
: merespon pertanyaan tertulis
pertanyaan tertulis
Pedoman Penilaian
semua nilai 10
satu dikurangi 2
maksimal 10
Rubrik penilaian
jawaban kurang tepat 1
salah 0
semua 10
VII. Latihan soal
Perhatikan gambar dan teks di bawah
ini dan jawab pertanyaan berikut!
the accident
the accident happened?.......................................................................
does it
the victim in this

"The car is wrong. Outstanding bike
properly because the light is still green and from the south appeared the car
it was," said one eyewitness.
Victims who are both female
suffered severe injuries. One victim suffered head injuries and was
unconscious, while the other victim suffered a broken leg.
Shortly after the incident, the
two victims were both still wearing clothing such as sports wear is directly
transported in a pick-up and taken to a nearby hospital.
The police still have not been
able to determine who was right or wrong in this incident because it is still
going to do the crime scene.
Mengetahui :
Guru Mata Pelajaran:

car is wrong. Outstanding bike properly because the light is still green and
from the south appeared the car it was," said one eyewitness.
who are both female suffered severe injuries. One victim suffered head injuries
and was unconscious, while the other victim suffered a broken leg.
after the incident, the two victims were both still wearing clothing such as
sports wear is directly transported in a pick-up and taken to a nearby
The police
still have not been able to determine who was right or wrong in this incident
because it is still going to do the crime scene.
gambar dan teks di atas dan jawab pertanyaan di berikut!
the accident
the accident
does it
the victim in this
it could happen ?......................................................................................
kecelakaan di perempatan Jl. Basuki Rahmat (Kayutangan), Malang, antara motor
dan mobil. Salah satu di antara korban tidak sadarkan diri karena luka di
terjadi sekitar pukul 02.45 WIB. Mobil Avanza warna hitam dengan plat nomor N
506 VG ditabrak dari arah samping oleh motor Honda Vario dengan plat nomor AG
6542 KM. Menurut saksi mata di sekitar tempat tersebut, pengendara motor yang
melaju dari arah timur dalam posisi benar karena traffic light masih menyala
hijau dan dari arah selatan muncul mobil itu tadi dan langsung menabrak motor
tersebut .
yang salah. Posisi motornya benar soalnya lampu masih hijau dan dari arah
selatan muncul mobil itu tadi," ungkap salah seorang saksi mata.
yang keduanya berjenis kelamin perempuan tersebut mengalami luka parah. Satu
korban mengalami luka di bagian kepala dan tidak sadarkan diri, sedangkan
korban lainnya mengalami patah kaki.
setelah kejadian, dua korban yang sama-sama masih mengenakan pakaian seperti
baju olah raga tersebut langsung diangkut menggunakan mobil pick up dan dibawa
ke rumah sakit terdekat.

Berita adalah informasi mengenai sesuatu yang
sedang terjadi. Berita dapat disajikan dalam bentuk media
cetak, internet, siaran, atau dari mulut ke mulut.
News is
information about something that is happening. News can be presented in the
form of print media, the Internet, broadcasting, or by word of mouth.
Objek langsung
komplemen dari kata kerja transitif terdiri dari satu objek, apakah itu satu
kata atau struktur yang kompleks, obyek ini disebut objek langsung.
Noun: ia
menemukan seorang teman
Aku melihat dia
benda: kami kirimkan beberapa
mereka ingin pergi
ini: dia suka berjalan
pelengkap dari struktur komplementasi yang lisan elemen adalah transitif
terdiri dari dua benda, salah satunya adalah selalu objek langsung. Yang
lainnya adalah bukan merupakan objek langsung atau pelengkap objektif. Struktur
semacam ini sehingga berpotensi ambigu.
P memberikan C temannya dua buku
Di sini,
sebagai "kotak Cina" menunjukkan, kami memiliki struktur predikasi
dengan subjek dan predikat dia memberi temannya dua buku. Predikat ini
merupakan struktur komplementasi, dengan elemen verbal yang memberi dan
melengkapi temannya dua buku. Dengan asumsi (atas dasar tidak adanya koma
setelah teman) bahwa intonasi pelengkap ini / ² ² hiz Frend | ² ³ Buks tûw ¹ #
/, bukan / ² ² hiz Frend | | ² tûw Buks ³ ¹ # /. Kita tahu bahwa kita tidak
berurusan dengan struktur koordinasi atau suatu appositive. Oleh karena itu,
kami menyadari bahwa pelengkap terdiri dari dua benda, temannya dan dua buku.
objek tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa yang pertama adalah kata benda tunggal
Group4 pengganti (dia / dia-mereka) dan kata benda kedua jamak Group3 pengganti
kita dapat mengamati bahwa jika kita mengubah kata kerja ke bentuk pasif yang
sesuai, salah satu dari dua benda dapat dibuat tunduk, sedangkan sisa lainnya
sebagai objek. Dengan demikian, kita dapat mengatakan baik atau temannya diberi
dua buku oleh dia, dua buku diberi temannya oleh-Nya.
tempat ketiga, kita jauh dapat mencatat bahwa bukan objek pertama temannya,
kita dapat menggunakan frase preposisional, kepada temannya, sebagai pengubah
salah satu dari kata kerja memberi atau komplementasi seluruh struktur
memberikan dua buku. Ini alternatif dua dapat ditabelkan:
a) dia P
memberikan ← kepada temannya C dua buku
b) ia P
memberikan C dua buku kepada temannya
kondisi ini adalah indikasi formal bahwa dalam melengkapi tertentu, temannya
dua buku, kita berhadapan dengan dua benda, yang pertama yang merupakan objek
langsung dan objek kedua langsung. Kita bisa menyatakan kriteria identifikasi
dengan objek tak langsung sebagai berikut:
Dengan verba aktif itu hanya terjadi di perusahaan dengan objek langsung,
sebagai bagian dari pelengkap kompleks.
2) Dalam
pelengkap seperti itu, selalu datang sebelum objek langsung.
rujukan Its berbeda dari objek langsung.
Ketika unsur verbal muncul dengan seperti melengkapi berubah menjadi kalimat
pasif, baik objek dapat dilakukan subjek.
Sebuah objek tidak langsung dapat diubah menjadi perubahan witout frase
preposisional utama dalam arti total struktur.
Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013
1.1 Background of The Study
Sometimes, English is difficult to
learn, but one of the ways is improve our english. It is by music. we can
convey our ideas in our mind and to develop our talent. There are advantages
that we can get when we are listening to music by practicing the song, as a
result we can get new vocabulary, get a pronounciations, and to be a good
translations, etc.
Music needs a liric to make the song more
interesting. A lyric can indeed convey states of mind immeditely. The lyric
line appears to have considerable gaps, there was a litle writing between the
end 17th century and the romantic, but the 18th century was the great age of
The English song is not difficult to
understand if the listeners know the basic ideas and the purpose of song lyric,
and most English popular songs use figurative language in their song.
Based on the fact above the writer used
literary analysis as the research of the study, especially the lyric of the
britney spears songs that contain some figurative language. Britney is known to
be new artist and become popular not for along time, so that everybody know
In this study the writer studies the whole
kind of figurative language. The student of English department must take some
course that deal with literature; one should consider the form literature, one
of elements of literature is poetry. Poetry is the most compressed from
literature. It is composed of carefully chosen words expression great dept of
meaning, and uses specific devices such as connotation sound and rythm to
express the appropriate combination of meaning and emotion.
Poetry is short compared to prose and have
some components that are divided in to large group which are independent. It is
the structure from the form of poem. It is the content of poetry which can only
be perceived by searching ‘something behind’ a poem.
Actually each of figurative meanings makes
the English language a live, interesting and fun. A composer can imagine all
about their mind by writing a song.
Problem of the Study
problem statements of this research are focused of the figurative language that
use in the lyric of Britney Spears’ songs. This problem statement will be
specified as fiollows:
1. What
kind of figurative languages are used in the lyrics of Britney Spears’
2. What
does the meaning of each figurative language used in the lyricss of Britney
Spears songs?
3. How
often the figurative languages are appears in the lyrics of Britney Spears’
1.3 The Objective of the Study
Based on the
problems statement the objective the study is to get description about:
1. To
find out the types of figurative language in the lyrics of Britney Spears
2. To
find out the meaning of each figurative language used in the lyrics of Britney
Spears’ songs?
3. To
know how often the figurative language appear in the lyrics of Britney Spears
1.4 Significance of the Study
The meaning of
figurative language is not only for art liked by composer or poet. For instance
is in education.
For literature of poem,
it still consists of modern or old version poems. It has usage for them, which
are helping to understand some literature. The literature of figurative will be
learned by the researcher to get some information about figurative language
used in English popular song in figurative symbol.
For English students,
if they apply this study they will be understand the information about English
song to improve capability to devide between figurative language, symbol that
appear in English popular songs. The students tries to translate the figurative
language and then give the meaning.
For the Teacher will
get information about the used English popular songs as the media for teaching
English and also get information about inds of figurative language.
1.5 Scope and Limitation
There is clear delimitation in this thesis analyzed
and the writer will try to restrict in the scope of definition and explanation.
Figurative language will be discussed to used in the lyrics of Britney Spears
songs especially in the first in the first album. There are songs in the
Britney Spears’ first album: ‘baby one more time, sometimes, born to make you
happy, drive me crazy, email my heart, I will love you, thinking about you, I
will be there, From the bottom of my heart, The beat goes, Soda pop.
1.6 Definition of Key Therm
To avoid misunderstanding the word used will be
defined as follows:
1. Figurative
language is the system of sounds and words used by humans to express their
thoughts and feelings.
2. Lyric
is the word of song that is short poem written in the simple and direct style
and usually express personal emotion.
3. Song
is (a short poem) that formed by some line composition or other set of words
adapted for singing or intended to be song.
Robert Forst, an
American well known poet (in Ching, 1980:140) says that poetry is the art of
saying one thing to meaning another. William Wordsworth (in Reubun, 2000:1)
defines poetry as ‘the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, recollected
in tranquility’. So poetry is the most compressed form of literature. It is
composed of carefully chosen words expressing great dept of meaning. Poetry
uses specific devices such as connotation, sounds, and rythm to express the
appropriate combination of meaning and emotion.
Poetry describes some
story. It is having division and it will describe something. There are 6
divisions of poetry:
1. Epic
is narrative poetry occasionally. Often, it is consist a civilization, related
to some heroic figure or in action in which the pride of a nation.
2. Ballad.
It is form was spoken narrative, usually unwritten, capable of improvisation in
detail of incident and expression.
3. Narrative
Poetry. The Epic and ballad are far from exhausting the varieties of narrative
poetry. It is wide range can be illustrated by reference to such collection,
where many kinds exists side by side
4. Dramatic
poetry. It is poetry in which the poet speaks not in his own person but he
merging in the character that he has created out his imagination
5. Elegy.
The Elegy in English has no conventional form such as it had in classical
literature. In greek and latin all emotional or reflective poems written in
alternate dactylic hemameters and pentameters were called elegiac.
6. The
ode. Its from a greek root, meaning ‘to sing’ implies a relation with the
lyric, but the term still retains a sense of a poem written for special
occasion, or an invocation, which aims at a high elevation of thought and
A poem should be read several times in order to hear
it and feels its emotions. The more times we read the poem, the more we can
analyze the understand subtle shades of meaning in a poem. These shades of
meaning are often conveyed through specific poetic devices, or part of the
There are part of poem:
a. Speaker
is the created narrative voice (the person the readers is supposed to imagine
is talking
b. Audience
is the person or the people to whom the speaker can address another character
character in the poem, the reader.
c. Subject
is the general or specific topic of the poem (what the poem about)
d. Tone
is the poet’s attitude toward the subject of the poem (this may be different
the speaker’s attitude). We can identify the tone of the poem by nothing the
author’s use of poetic devices such as diction, rhythm and syntax
e. Theme
is the statement the poem/plot makes about its subject. (theme for poetry has
slightly different meaning than theme for a work of fiction)
f. Diction
is the poet’s choice of words, the poet chooses each word carefully so that
both its meaning and sound contribute to the tone and feeling of the poem
g. Syntax
is the organization of words, phrases and clauses. Finding the right syntax for
a poem is like the finding right light before you take a photograph. If the order
of the words is ‘wrong’, the emotional, psychological, and spiritual impact of
the words will be lost.
h. Imaginary
is the words of phrases used specifically to help the reader to imagine each of
the sense: smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste. The type of imagery has a
specific name:
Olfactory is imagery stimulates the
sense of smell
Tactile is imagery stimulates the sense
of touch
Visual is imagery stimulates the sense
of touch
Auditory is imagery stimulates the sense
of hearing
Gustatory is imagery stimulates the
sense of taste
Kinesthesia is imagery stimulates the
sense of natural body (ex: a pulse, breating)
Synesthesia is imagery stimulates the
sense of one sense to evoke another (ex: loud color, warm gesture)
Figurative of speech are the poetic devices
in which two images or objects are compared to makes the poem more interesting
ang meaningful.
There are figures of
1. Simile
is the comparison that uses the words like or as, or verb like seems or appears
to draw two objects or images into relationship. Example: your eyes as the sky,
you eat like a bird.
2. Methapor
is the functions the same way simile does, except that the comarison is more
implied and the words like or as are omitted. The verb to be is used. Example:
your cheeks are red cherries
3. Personification
is the type of metaphor that gives living qualities to inanimate object or
abstract ideas; or human qualities (feeling, thought) to animals. It gives
non-living things and animals the ability to think, feel emotions, or have
human relationships.
Example: the Moon smiles. Fires
4. Synecdoche
is form of metaphor where one part stands for the whole, or the whole is
substituted for one part. In other words we speak of something by naming only a
part of it. Example: Robby got wheels this summer. Wheels=car
5. Alusion
is a refrence made to another literary work, historical event, work of art, or
a famous person’s quote that adds more depth to the poet’s/authors meaning. In
fact all poems retelling old stories are allusive. Example: a modern version of
casey and the bad would allude to the old ballad.
6. Simbolism.
When an author used an object or ideas to suggest more than its literal
meaning. A person, place, or event stands for something other than it, usually
something broader or deepeer than it is
7. Understatement
(litotes, meioses). Saying something with an overly light tone, the speaker’s
words convey less emotion than he actually feels. Examples: i’m really glad
that you have to visit’ said the spider to the fly
8. Paradox
is a statements that appears to be absurd, untrue, or contradictionary, but may
actually be true
9. Oxymoron
is a form of paradox where two contradictory terms are combined in one phrase.
Example: darkly lit, fearful joy
Rhytm is the repetition of stress within
a poem
Lyrical Poem
The poem are mostly
that we might now call art song, or poems written to sing in plays and maques.
A lyric poem is produce of human mind so that we should be aware of the human
attitudes, responses, sentiments, ideas and judgments. The lyric poem seems to
express emotion in a sudden surge of unpremeditated melody. Poem are not
written by influences or movements or sources, but come from the living hearts
of men
A Short Biography and Career of Britney Spears
Britney Spears (born
december 2, 19981) in Mc Comb, missisipi, and raised a Southern baptist in
Kentwood, lousiana. Her parents, who are now divorced, are James Parnell Spears
(born 1963), a building contractor, and Lyne Iren Bridges (born 1956), a former
grade school teacher.
She is Grammy-winning
American pop singer-songwriter, dancer, occasioanl actress, author and
executive producer. Spears is the best known for her highl -published persional
life, studios album, music videos and pop songs, ‘baby one more time’.
Spears first came to
fame as a member of the new Mickey Mouse Club in the early 1990s, taking a
fieve-year break from entertainment after the show wrapped. She subsequently
emerged at the forefront of the pop music scene in late 1998, thanks to the
crafting of her craft-toping debut album by producer songwriter Max Martin. Her
second album, released the following year, was a similarly huge it.
Spears was
featured on the cover of Rolling Stone
magazine in April 1999. That summer, she kicked of her firstheadlining tour.
The baby one more time, by late 1994, Spears had become one of the year’s
biggest stars, a claim back up the mount of award nominations she received that
seasons. In December, she took home fourb Billboard Music Award including one for
female Artist of the year, and the next month on for Favorite pop/rock New
artist at the american Music Awards, held in february 2000, Spears received two
nominations, including one for Best New Artist
With Worldwide record
sales topping the 85 million mark. Britney Spears has become one of the most
recognizable celebrities.
3.1 Research Design
design is based on logic and common sense. This research design in this
study is qualitative. According to
Slavin (1992:65) says “Qualitative research is intended to explore important
social phenomena by immersing the investigator in the situation for extended
Qualitative research, seek primarily to describe a situation as
it is, without formal testing or hypothesis, and and it makes litle or no use
of numbers but rather focuses on “thick description”.
3.2 Sources of Data and Data Collection
Sources of Data
The writer takes from album. There is one album that contains
their songs, but there is original Soundtrack album that includes one of their
single woman. Indonesia conducting the study, the writer uses the lyrics of
Britney Spears song album, available in their album, which have been in
indonesia until now. There are Britney Spears songs (first album)
1. Baby
on More Time
2. Sometimes
3. Born
to make you happy
4. Drive
me crazy
5. Email
my heart
6. I
will still love you
7. Thinking
about you
8. I
will be there
9. From
the bottom of my heart
10. The
beat goes
11. Soda
In this study, the
writer used the documentation studies in obtaining the data. The data are the
lyrics of Britney Spears songs. The researcher collect the data from their
album and website (
The procedure is carried out based on the existing repetitions.
Analysis involves
working with data, organizing them, searching for patterns, discovering what is
important and what is to be learned, and deciding what you will tell the
others. After collecting the data and studying the theories book related to the
topic which are believe to be figurative language, then the writer analyzed the
data systematically as follows.
1. Identifying
the figurative language
e.g. I shouldn’t have let you go
now you’re out of sight, yeah
Show me how want it to be
Tell me baby cause I need to know
now, oh because
2. Classifying
the kinds if figurative language into interpeting Literature.
now you’re out of sight, yeah
The kind of figurative above
classified in Metonymy.
3. Finding
out the meaning of figurative language.
now you’re out of sight, yeah
It is has meaning is the boy left
the girl.
4. Counting
the number of the figurative language
5. Constructing
table of frequency of distribution.
6. Change
the result in to percentage.
7. Ranking
the frequency of distribution of symbols.